Save 50% on gold dealer fees

Get matched with trustworthy gold dealers and buy with confidence

silver coins
gold coin
Randy Couture, UFC legend, Actor, Patriot

Randy Couture

UFC legend, Actor, Patriot

Randy fights for fair gold prices

Meet our brand ambassador

Randy Couture, UFC legend, actor, and Sergeant, 101st Airborne stands up for consumers who are overpaying for precious metals.

Don't "tap out" to unscrupulous gold dealers. Find trusted gold dealers at Metalsmart.

“If you are buying physical gold and silver, it pays to shop with trustworthy dealers and Metalsmart helps consumers do that.”

- Randy Couture

You can save BIG using Metalsmart

Compared to the average gold dealer

How it works


Create Profile

Answer questions and create an account. We match you with up to TWO trusted dealers.


Match and Save

Once matched, the dealers will contact you. We share your contact info only with the matched dealers.

Why do Americans trust Metalsmart?


Save Time and Money

Use your plan to compare dealer quotes OR we will match you with dealers right away who will call you to compete for your business.


Trusted gold dealers

We only accept dealers committed to fair and transparent pricing. Our dealers are experts on Gold IRAs too!


Privacy and Control

You don't have to call and share your information with multiple dealers, and we don't share your information until you want us to.

Choose your gold dealer with total confidence!

We screen gold dealers before accepting them on our platform. Not every dealer makes the cut! We're here to make choosing the right gold dealer a breeze.

Dealer Rules of Conduct

Fair Pricing

Responsive Service

No Pressure Sales

Our platform does the hard work for you. We connect you with trustworthy gold dealers who specialize in Gold IRAs and cash purchases. You save time and money.

Frequently asked questions

Get answers straight from Metalsmart

How do I use Metalsmart?

To begin, answer our short questionnaire. We use this information to make custom recommendations for you. We create a custom plan and present it to you for review.

You can either accept the plan or make any changes you want and then simply submit the Plan for pricing. If you’re a first-time user, you’ll need to create an account and then verify you are you through our Magic Link.

From there your plan gets sent to a selected group of dealers and they can submit a price proposal for those specific products.

You will be notified when a dealer submits a price proposal, and you log back into Metalsmart to view their proposals.

If you are interested and want to take the next step with one or more of the dealers, just Request Contact and that dealer will reach out to discuss next step in your purchase.

It’s that simple.

Why do I need a plan?

Your plan is meant to help you find the best priced dealer. It allows you to compare prices on the exact same products so you can tell which dealers want your business more. You can always buy other products, but your plan will help you compare dealers.

What happens when I request pricing?

We send your plan to our select group of precious metals dealers. They put together price proposals for you and submit them to Metalsmart. You will be notified via email and then you can log in to Metalsmart dashboard to review their proposals.

If you like what you see, you can Request Contact and we notify that dealer and provide them with your contact information so they can reach out to you. You can request contact from more than one dealer if you would like to talk with them before making your final decision.

What is a Magic Link? Am I going to get spammed?

Our Magic Link is a simple verification of your email. You’ve probably seen it before if you sign-up for a newsletter or purchase something on the internet. It’s a way for the provider to verify that your email is a valid email. And NO you will absolutely not get spammed. We do not release your contact information to anyone unless you specifically request contact with a dealer, and even then only that dealer receives your information.

Learn more about precious metals


The Metalsmart precious metals plan

Save money when you build a gold and silver plan


Don't Get Fooled by Gold Dealer Matching Tools

How Metalsmart Stands Apart From Other Gold Dealer Matching Tools


How to buy gold and silver without overpaying

Tips on how to get a fair deal when buying gold and silver


How Metalsmart screens precious metals dealers

Find the Best Gold and Silver Dealers Here!


Find the Best Gold Dealers

How to Buy Gold and Silver the Smart Way


Don't Be Fooled: The Hidden Costs of "Free" Gold and Silver Offers

Why you should choose your gold dealer carefully


Don't Trust Gold Dealers Who Push Numismatic Coins

Trustworthy Gold Dealers Won't Push You to Expensive Products


3 Reasons to Consider a Gold IRA for Your Retirement Portfolio

Diversify your retirement assets and protect your wealth


Bad Apples Spoil the Whole Bunch

Not all gold dealers are worth your trust

gold coins
gold coins
gold coins